Three years ago, on the last Sunday of our summer here, we went to a yard sale down the street and bought a boat. These people were moving, they had to sell it, we had enough cash in our wallets to buy it (shows you how much the boat was) and they promised us it ran. We used it for the next three days, ignored the water that strangely pooled in the bottom, and put it away until the next year. The following summer - big surprise - the boat got us to the middle of the lake and never ran again. Colin became good friends with the marina mechanic, Nick, and on the last day of that summer, Nick said that he would just "give" us another boat if he could stop working on our garage sale boat. So here we are, with boat #2, a give away boat. Every penny that is spent on this thing makes my skin crawl.. but considering that Colin lets me get away with murder with my 'little' projects around the house, its a fair trade. We have a don't ask don't tell relationship now with home projects and boat expenses. I'm sure Suzie Orman encourages this type of thing. Anyway, we are excited to have you all out for a three hour tour!
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