Clean Slate

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our farmhouse had white painted floors when we bought it, but they were jagged, uneven, and soft. And, there were big holes in the floor where little critters from the outside were coming in, and where my little critters were constantly dropping crayons, pacifiers, keys.... but, the white floors really grew on us. They make it feel like vacation.  So, this is our new floor.  1/4" thick  4ft x 8 ft plywood, cut into 8" by 8 ft strips, painted white, nailed on top of floor (well, first I laid down this moisture barrier that you lay under laminate floors). Came across this blog, - and this method - and voila.  Thanks Frugal Farmhouse Design for the tips.  PS. I love them. PPS.  I went (way) over budget. 

Materials -
14  Plywood Sheets (I chose pre-sanded ones)
5 rolls of this underlay
About 10 bottles of glue 
5 gallons of low lustre deck and floor paint (Moon Rise by Behr)
Nail Gun, table saw, and labor all from my neighbors son - (did you think Colin did this??)


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